Excellence,Integrity,Political Responsability

The Political Leadership Academy is not only for those who may want to become political leaders and work in institutions requiring political leadership, but it is designed to meet the needs of those who may work in other areas requiring competencies in public policy: public administration, entrepreneurship, academia, education, diplomacy, non-governmental organizations, media etc.

All these areas require an interaction with the political sphere and can be an important source of shaping the public debate around the best model of leadership in our society.

We wonder where we are in terms of leadership?

What are the current leadership models?

Does Romania have capable and strong leaders?

More than 30 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the generation of politicians that lived through the end of communism, which also governed during this period, finds itself ready to hand over the reins of leadership.

The question is, to whom?


It is an important question but one with a troubling answer. Romania needs genuine leaders who, in addition to their know-how in the public policy arena projects and of the political culture paramount for healthy liberal democracies, must also have the courage to take on local, regional, national, and European political projects. They must also do so knowing very well that these may run counter to popular opinion, but knowing that they will ultimately lead to consolidated democracies, prosperity and progress. The art of leadership is learned over time, although the skills necessary can become apparent from an early age. The young generation that assumes the mantle of leadership needs inspiration, but especially a solid education, in order to continue the development of our countries in Eastern Europe. The ultimate goal is a consolidated democracy, with a strong economy and all the opportunities necessary for its people to reach their potential, apply their talents and skills, and doing so in their own home countries.


Starting with this pivotal moment, seeking to adopt a democratic paradigm of a Western society, Romania as part of the European Union has entered an intense process of reorganization and redefining.
It is a process that includes internal changes of its legislation and its institutions, but it is also a process that requires external changes with the aim of repositioning Romania in the international arena. The process of learning how to function as a democracy has not been and is not an easy or linear one. It has required a long and difficult transition period while at the same time facing extreme adversities. Beyond our membership in NATO and the EU, the recognition of civil and political rights and freedoms specific to consolidated democracies, beyond democratic elections and new institutions, and investment in infrastructure etc. – achievements that truly matter for the citizens of this country – we to ponder, where are we in terms of leadership?